April 25, 2021

Pastor: Cameron Oegema

Welcome, God’s Greeting and Call to Worship
Opening Songs of Worship: Bless the Lord, O My Soul, This Is My Father’s World

Words of confession and assurance of forgiveness

Prayers of the People – Walter
Song: The Lord’s My Shepherd

Scripture Reading: Psalm 42 and 43
Message: Praise in the Dark
Song: As The Deer

Testimony of Faith: Our World Belongs to God  #4

 Our world, fallen into sin, has lost its first goodness,
but God has not abandoned the work of His hands:
our Maker preserves this world, sending seasons, sun, and rain,
upholding all creatures, renewing the earth,
promising a Saviour, guiding all things to their purpose.

God’s Parting Blessing
Closing songs: Great is Thy Faithfulness, Living Hope