August 29, 2021

Pastor: Ralph Koops

Prelude music: How Beautiful
Welcome and God’s Greeting
Opening Song: Let All Things Now Living

Celebration of Lord’s Supper 
Testimony of Faith- Our World Belongs to God #40

We grieve that the church, which shares one Spirit, one faith, one hope,
and spans all time, place, race, and language,
has become a broken communion in a broken world.
When we struggle for the truth of the gospel and for the righteousness God demands,
we pray for wisdom and courage.
When our pride or blindness hinders the unity of God’s household, we seek forgiveness.
We marvel that the Lord gathers the broken pieces to do his work and that he blesses us still
with joy, new members, and surprising evidences of unity.
We commit ourselves to seeking and expressing the oneness of all who follow Jesus,
and we pray for brothers and sisters who suffer for the faith.

Song of Response: Wonderful, Merciful Saviour

 Prayers of the People (Adriana)

Scripture Reading: Leviticus 14:1-9, Mark 1:40-45
Message: Free as a Bird

 Closing Song: I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace (alt tune)
*God’s Parting Blessing
Postlude:  The Grace