Pastor: John Span
Prelude: As We Seek Your Face
Welcome, and God’s Greeting
Opening Song: Who Paints the Skies
Confession of Sin and Assurance of Forgiveness
Song of Response: Refiner’s Fire
Prayers of the People: Bert
Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 26:15–21; Isaiah 6: 1-9
Sermon Title: What is holiness? Why does it matter?
Testimony of Faith: Our World Belongs to God #39
The church is a gathering of forgiven sinners called to be holy.
Saved by the patient grace of God, we deal patiently with others and
together confess our need for grace and forgiveness.
Restored in Christ’s presence, shaped by his life, this new community lives out
the ongoing story of God’s reconciling love,
announces the new creation, and works for a world of justice and peace.
Closing Song: Go Forth in His Name
God’s Blessing to His People
Postlude: May the People’s Praise You (