Peter doesn’t just step out of the boat. He waits for his Master to say, “Come.” Then he really has no choice, does he? He needs to obey. All is well as long as he keeps his eyes on Jesus. When he focuses on the problem (the stormy sea), he sinks. But even then, when in despair, he can and does place his focus on Jesus, and begs for help, which Jesus gives. We assume that then they walk back to the boat together. Keep your eyes on Jesus!
Doing a Thanksgiving Inventory
Delighting in God, the Son
Celebration of Communion and focus on “Priesthood in the Bible”
From the Book of Daniel we learn what it means to trust
What is Paradise?
“No Wisdom Without God’s Word”
Remember the Gift of the Lord’s Supper
We finish the summer series on “Healing as taught in Scripture”. The focus is on “where do we fit in?” We are left with God’s call to believe, proclaim, lay on hands, anoint with oil and pray – and respect our Lord’s will.
Healing #5 – The revival started by Jesus in Israel, after Jesus’ resurrection, spreads from Jerusalem, through Judea and beyond! We will focus on Healing in Acts, and see that it is not the disciples, but Jesus, who is doing the healing. The disciples, in essence, ask God for a divine-human partnership: we’ll preach – you back us up with action and power!