Worship from Home (Page 14)

August 21, 2022

We finish the summer series on “Healing as taught in Scripture”. The focus is on “where do we fit in?” We are left with God’s call to believe, proclaim, lay on hands, anoint with oil and pray – and respect our Lord’s will.

August 14, 2022

Healing #5 – The revival started by Jesus in Israel, after Jesus’ resurrection, spreads from Jerusalem, through Judea and beyond! We will focus on Healing in Acts, and see that it is not the disciples, but Jesus, who is doing the healing. The disciples, in essence, ask God for a divine-human partnership: we’ll preach – you back us up with action and power!

July 10, 2022

“When We Focus Our Eyes On Heaven”
John shifts his concerns of the church on earth via the letters to the seven churches in Rev 2 and 3, by turning his attention to heaven, and God himself, who is seated on the throne (Rev 4).

July 3, 2022

We will discover that healings follow revival and renewal. Note that Hezekiah leads God’s people into revival/renewal, and that healing is an extension of time – which, in this case, Hezekiah
does not use wisely!