Scripture Reading: Luke 24:36-53, Message: When The Master Says Farewell
When surrounded by their enemies, Jehoshaphat acknowledged that He didn’t “know what to do.” He was at a loss, but then decided to fix His eyes on God. Much to his surprise, the Lord then assured them that they need not fear for the battle was not theirs, but God’s. In the message, I’ll talk about how Bethel, too, is at a crossroads and “we don’t know what to do.” But as we commit to fixing our eyes on God, He will assure us that the Church is His, and He will lead faithfully.
Celebrating God’s gift of motherhood
God gives us comfort by building a place to dwell with us
“Everything I Commanded You”
Christ the Lord is Risen today! Why do you weep? What more do you need to see?
A Good Friday Service of scripture, song and reflection
The good news of the gospel for us today is that Jesus saves us from our sins even as he is with us in our struggles. We can cry out “Hosanna!” (Save us!) to him and know that he will.
Good News – A New Day Dawns, in a world of division, we are reminded of the universal call of the Gospel
God can and will give us a fresh start, a spiritual rebirth, when we believe in the Saviour who was lifted up on a cross and raised from the dead to deal with our sins.