Mary and Martha – who had the best idea for honouring Christ?
Our fear of not being amazing and not living up to the world’s expectations prevent us from bringing all of our human experience before God. How can we as the family of God overcome this fear together?
Psalm 117 is short but powerful!
Will the power of the Holy Spirit give us what we need to do great things for Jesus?
When we are connected to Jesus we will flourish and be given nourishment that will help us make a true difference in this world.
Jesus loves us so much that He wants to be our family
God is our ever-present help in times of trouble, do not fear – just be still
Where do we turn when our world seems darkest, when we don’t have any clue what to do next? The Psalms offer us those answers. In Psalms 42 and 43, we find the cry of a person whose life has left him lost and confused, with one anchor left.
We have nothing to prove because Jesus did it all for us – nothing can separate us from God’s powerful love!
A life-changing walk