Worship from Home (Page 9)

August 20, 2023

Pastor Derek Bouma WE GATHER TO WORSHIP OUR GOD Call to Worship: Words from Psalm 57 Opening Songs of Praise: Awake, O Israel, O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus God’s Greeting and Greeting One Another OUR NEW LIFE IN CHRIST Confession of Sins, Assurance of Forgiveness and Promise to Live in Gratitude Song of…

July 16, 2023

No. 3 in the series: How did Jesus deal with the Lost? We’ve dealt with the publicans, and the second one focused on women who fell short.
This week we will focus on how Jesus dealt with his disciples.in their moments of weakness.. In the message I will also relate how Jesus held Peter accountable at the breakfast in Galilee after he resurrection, John 21:1-13