DC4K – Divorce Care for Kids

DC4K – Divorce Care for Kids.

Children are engaged and active while participating in a DivorceCare for Kids group.  Each session combines the following elements:  Games, story time, workbook, DVD dramas, group discussion, music, crafts, and snacks.

Session Titles:

  1.  What’s Happening to My Family?
  2. God Loves Children in All Kinds of Families
  3. Facing my Anger
  4. Journey from Anger to Sadness
  5. I am not Alone
  6. God’s Plan for Me
  7. Developing New Relationships
  8. Deveoping Money Smarts
  9. It’s Not my Fault
  10. Telling My Parents How I Feel
  11. Forgiveness
  12. Loving My Parents
  13. Moving On:  Growing UP and Closer to God

The next session begins Tuesday, January 16, 6:30 – 8:00 PM.

Click Here to Register