GEMS/Cadets/Kingdom Kids
What are these about, and when do they start?
Kingdom Kids includes kids from JK to Grade 2 and meets approximately every other Saturday morning, from 9:30 – 11:30, starting on September 24. We have puppets, crafts, games, learn about God and about the world. Register on-line (can you put a form up?)
GEMS is for girls from grade 3 to 8 and meets on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. All kinds of things happen at GEMS — crafts, badges, games, serving the community, and learning about God. It’s a great place for girls to make friends and have fun. They’ll be starting on September 15 with a fun kick-off for the season (registration happens that night too!).
Cadets is for boys from grade 3 to 8, and also meets on Thursday evenings. Boys enjoy learning new skills, making crafts (woodworking too!), learning about God, and having fun. The year begins with a camp-out on September 16-18, regular meetings begin on September 22..
If you would like more information on any of these, please email or call 905-689-7796