January 16, 2022

Pastor: Hayden Regeling

Prelude: Revelation Song 

Welcome, God’s Greeting,  and Call to Worship
Opening Song: O Worship the King 

Confession of Sins, Assurance of Forgiveness and Commitment to Live Lives of Gratitude
Song of Response: All I Have is Christ

Prayers of the People (Geoff)

Scripture Reading: Mark 9:2-29
Message: Glory in the Ordinary

Testimony of Faith: Our World Belongs to God #24

As the second Adam, Jesus chose the path we had rejected.
In baptism and temptations, teaching and miracles, battles with demons and friendships with sinners, Jesus lived a full and righteous human life before us.
As God’s true Son, he lovingly obeyed the Father and made present in deed and word the coming rule of God. 

Closing Song: Let Us Go
God’s Blessing to His People

Postlude: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies (Advent Hymn)  https://youtu.be/gNuY6I4OtoE