Christians in a Covid-19 World: Prayer and the Coronavirus May 17, 2020 Pastor Bruce Adema 2 Chronicles 6: 1-6, 26-31
Christians in a Covid-19 World: Social Responsibility and the Coronavirus May 10, 2020 Pastor Bruce Adema Romans 13: 8-14 Romans
Christians in a Covid-19 World: Hospitality and the Coronavirus May 3, 2020 Pastor Bruce Adema Luke 10: 25-37 Luke
Christians in a Covid-19 World: Faith and the Coronavirus April 26, 2020 Pastor Bruce Adema Romans 8: 31-39 Romans
Christians in a Covid-19 World: Fear and the Coronavirus April 19, 2020 Pastor Bruce Adema Isaiah 35: 1-4, Matthew 6: 25-34 Isaiah, Matthew