The Shadow Side of Christmas
The Shadow Side of Christmas
“God is Like Light”
In this series we take on the curiosity of a wondering child as we examine different aspects of God’s character. If someone were to ask you what God is like, what would your answer be?
“God is Like a Fort”
In this series we take on the curiosity of a wondering child as we examine different aspects of God’s character. If someone were to ask you what God is like, what would your answer be?
Foreshadowing Advent: contrast the birth of cousins John the Baptist and Jesus with the birth of Isaac and a list of other leading actors in the O.T. covenant between God and his ancient people
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-11, Philippians 4: 4-7
“Rejoice in the Lord – Always”
Doing a Thanksgiving Inventory
Celebration of Communion and focus on “Priesthood in the Bible”
What is Paradise?
We finish the summer series on “Healing as taught in Scripture”. The focus is on “where do we fit in?” We are left with God’s call to believe, proclaim, lay on hands, anoint with oil and pray – and respect our Lord’s will.
Healing #5 – The revival started by Jesus in Israel, after Jesus’ resurrection, spreads from Jerusalem, through Judea and beyond! We will focus on Healing in Acts, and see that it is not the disciples, but Jesus, who is doing the healing. The disciples, in essence, ask God for a divine-human partnership: we’ll preach – you back us up with action and power!