Scripture Reading: John 5:1-15
Message: “Healing for Today”
Scripture Reading: John 5:1-15
Message: “Healing for Today”
Scripture Reading: John 21:1-19
Message: Breakfast on the Beach
Delighting in God, the Son
A fresh look at a familiar story brings new challenges to our day. How do we encounter those who are not like us? When I experience deep longing for meaning, what do I pursue? Where do I find peace in an anxiety-ridden world? How do I tell others about our Saviour? All of these answers are revealed by Jesus in this beautiful encounter with a troubled soul.
In the current context of the Covid 19 pandemic, some believe the return of Christ is right around the corner. Some years ago, a series of books and movies were released. One entitled “Left Behind”, which depicts Christians being swooped up by God at the end times was very popular. There has been a lot of hype around something purported to happen to the church called “The Rapture”. Reading 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18….it sure sounds like that’s what is going to happen. Chaplain Kelly will help us better understand the passage with its implications not only for the end times, but also for here and now.
Do you feel in your frustration with life’s troubles, especially in this pandemic that somehow, you need to tell God what is going on?
Habakkuk struggled with the question of pain and evil. How long oh Lord, and Why?
The book of Habakkuk is born out of the struggle with the big questions. As he does so, it has been said that Habakkuk goes “From A Sob to A Song”.
Two special sisters figured prominently in Jesus’ life, presenting for us a perfect opportunity to observe Jesus developing warm and deep friendships with Mary and Martha (and their brother). Martha’s relationship went from work to worship as Jesus, in his time, revealed his divine nature to her! Their story will give your story with Jesus abundant life as you see him as they did.
What does “God is Trinity (3 in 1)” mean?
This week we take a fresh look at God the Father, someone we can trust in this life and the life to come!