What does “God is Trinity (3 in 1)” mean?
This week we take a fresh look at God the Father, someone we can trust in this life and the life to come!
Who was Anna? Join us as we learn how Anna models faithfulness in lifestyle, worship and prayer for those who met her then and today
As we begin a new year, and especially in the context of these historic times, it’s imperative we do some meaningful reflection on our lives. What type of legacy do you want to be leaving for the up and coming generations?
Order of Worship for January 10, 2021 Online Worship Welcome and God’s GreetingCall to Worship: from Isaiah 55Opening Song: O Worship the King Kid’s Song: His Love Never Fails Confession and Assurance of ForgivenessPrayers of the PeopleSong: My Life is in You Lord Scripture Reading: Psalm 146Message: A Song of HopeSong: My Hope is Built…
Opening Carol: Joy to the World Welcome and God’s Greeting Carol: Once in Royal David’s City Kid’s Time Song: Oh What a Glorious Night Carol: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Prayers of the People Carol: Silent Night Scripture: Matthew1:1-16 Message: Mary the Mother of Jesus Carol: Hark the Herald Angels Sing God’s Blessing Farewell to…
Welcome and God’s Greeting Advent Reading: Waiting on the Threshold [credit Derek Webber] Based on 2 Samuel 7:7-11,16 and Luke 1:26-38 Readers: Ted and Corrie Opening song: O Come, O Come Immanuel [live from Jerusalem] Kid’s Time Little Drummer Boy Prayers of the People Song: Lo How a Rose Scripture: Matthew 1:1,6; 2 Samuel 11:1-27…
Order of Worship for Sunday, December 13, 2020 3rd Sunday of Advent Welcome and God’s Greeting Advent Reading: DECK THE HALLS Based on Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 & John 1:6-8, 19-28 (credit Derek Weber) Readers: Andrea and Jaelyn Opening Song: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Kid’s Time Song: Jesus Strong and Kind Prayers of the People…
Welcome, God’s Greeting and Lighting the 2 nd Advent candle Advent Reading: based on Isaiah 40:1-11 & Mark 1:1-8 (credit Derek Weber) – Readers: Joanne and Bruce Opening Song: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Kid’s Time Song: Sing we the Song of Emmanuel Prayers of the People Song: The Thrill of Hope- Advent Hymn Scripture:…
Order of Worship for Sunday, November 29th, 2020 1st Sunday of Advent Welcome, God’s Greeting and Lighting the 1st Advent candle Advent Reading: Wally and Cynthia Opening Song: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Kid’s Time Song: Sent from Above Prayers of the People We Celebrate Communion Song: Jesus Messiah Scripture and Message: Text: Matthew 1:…
Welcome, Pouring of the Baptismal Water and God’s Greeting Call to Worship: Psalm 9:1-2 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. Song: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name…