February 20, 2022

Pastor William Koopmans

Prelude: Christ Be All Around Me

Welcome and God’s Greeting and Call to Worship
Opening Song: Beautiful Saviour

Confession of Sins and Assurance of Forgiveness
Song of Response: Blessed be Your Name

Prayers of the People and for Preaching of the Word (Adriana)

Scripture: Scripture: 2 Samuel 18:1-18; Rev. 21:22-27
Text: 2 Sam. 18:18; Rev. 21:27  
Message: Wrong and Right Ways To Be Remembered
Song: May the Mind of Christ My Saviour

Testimony of Faith – Our World Belongs to God #42

In a world estranged from God, where happiness and peace are offered in many names and millions face confusing choices,
we witness— with respect for followers of other ways—
to the only one in whose name salvation is found: Jesus Christ.
In Jesus, God reconciles the world to himself.
God loves all creation; his compassion knows no bounds.

God’s Parting Blessing

Postlude: You are Mine