Good Friday – this service tells the story of Jesus’ final steps to the cross and his crucifixion and burial. But Easter is coming…
Good Friday – this service tells the story of Jesus’ final steps to the cross and his crucifixion and burial. But Easter is coming…
Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem, a ride that would end with a triumphant victory over death!
5th Sunday of Lent. Journey to the Cross – Jesus meets with a woman caught in adultery and shares with her His grace and light!
4th Sunday of Lent – Journey to the Cross: Jesus meets a woman at the well and offers her Living Water! This offer is also for us today!
God is not bound by our expectations – He shows his power even through a crucified Christ.
Pastor Jack Kerkhof brings a message for the 2nd Sunday of Lent: Journey to the Cross and we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together!
By understanding, as best we can, the utter inseparability of each person in the Trinity which make up the Godhead, we encounter a God who impacts how we show up in the world. Following the pattern of the Trinity and in the power of the Holy Spirit we shine the character of God in generosity, self-giving love and community.
GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 10, 2020 Welcome and Introduction of the service The service of Tenebrae, meaning “darkness” or “shadows,” has been practiced by the church since medieval times. Once a service for the monastic community, Tenebrae later became an important part of the worship of the common folk during Holy Week. We join Christians…
6TH SUNDAY OF LENTLOVE’S LAST WORDS: WORDS FROM THE CROSS Pastor Bruce provides some instructions for Online Worship We Gather to Worship Our God Song of Preparation and Gathering: Hosanna Praise is Risiing Pastor Bruce welcomes us to worship and God’s Greeting Call to Worship: “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up,…
5th Sunday of Lent Love’s Last Words: Words from the Cross Pastor Bruce provides some instructions for Online Worship We Gather to Worship Our God Song of Preparation and Gathering: I Lift My Eyes Up (Psalm 121) Pastor Bruce welcomes us to worship and God’s Greeting Call to Worship: Out of my distress I called…