Worship from Home (Page 22)

February 21, 2021

By understanding, as best we can, the utter inseparability of each person in the Trinity which make up the Godhead, we encounter a God who impacts how we show up in the world. Following the pattern of the Trinity and in the power of the Holy Spirit we shine the character of God in generosity, self-giving love and community.

February 14, 2021

Delighting in the Trinity – Part 3: We delve into the wonder of the Holy Spirit and the on-going activity in which God’s Spirit invites us. The Spirit is the living and present love song of the Father and Son. We especially discover how the Spirit has a way of hovering over chaos: first creation, then the cross, and even over the chaos of our lives and world.

February 7, 2021

Delighting in God as Trinity Part 2: God, the Son, is God’s love incarnate. Through loving obedience to the Father, the Son becomes the Father’s redeeming love, revealing love and his reigning love.