Worship from Home (Page 19)

October 10, 2021

The psalmist encourages people as they worship in the temple.
They are in God’s presence and are encouraged to be exuberant in their praise and thanksgiving. Likewise for us, thankfulness puts life into perspective.

September 19, 2021

The journey that we call Faith has been rightly called “The Greatest Story Ever Told!” Where does the journey start for you? As we look at the first chapter of the story, we are reminded that where our faith journey begins can have a huge impact on how we walk out our faith journey in life.

September 5, 2021

Two special sisters figured prominently in Jesus’ life, presenting for us a perfect opportunity to observe Jesus developing warm and deep friendships with Mary and Martha (and their brother). Martha’s relationship went from work to worship as Jesus, in his time, revealed his divine nature to her! Their story will give your story with Jesus abundant life as you see him as they did.